Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Activities
NOTE: You must order one of the Cycle 3 booksets to access BOOKMARKS, POST-TESTS & MAPS

Week 1 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - Who was Columbus? (sync with History: Columbus)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Read-aloud alert! Read 2 minutes from Columbus's journal while at the dinner table. Pass the text down and have someone else pick up where you left off (bonus points if you dress-up or make dad read with an accent) (journal link)
(2) This is a I-am-oh-so-not-crafty craft. Make a delightful old-fashioned map of Columbus's journeys out of craft paper or a brown paper bag you fished out of the trash (um, not really. Put it down. Yuck.) (craft link)
(3) Watch the Columbus Animated Hero Classic (Vimeo link) or purchase the DVD (Amazon link)
(4) Make Columbus's ship out of a cardboard box and then head off to the races! (step-by-step instructions link)
(5) Go on now. Finish reading the book. Done? You can take Colby's test & (when you pass!) print out your certificate (Link to Test).
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 1 (Sibling Set)
SIBLING SET - Who was Leif Erickson? (sync with History: Columbus vs. Erickson's Discovery of America)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch this shot video about Leif Erikson by Innovative History. (YouTube Link)
(2) Want to be just like Leif Erikson? Make your very own Viking helmet with there plans. (Link to plans)
(3) Ever wonder what sort of games Viking children would play? Check out this site to find traditional Viking games and ways that you can play them at home! (
(4) It was pretty impressive that Leif Erikson was able to cross the Atlantic on just a long boat! Build your own long boat with these plans. (
(5) TEST: After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 2 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - What was the First Thanksgiving? (sync with History: Plymouth Rock)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) What do you think happens when you plant a fish head under a plant? Native Americans taught the settlers. Now you know, too. (youtube link)
(2) Turkey, Turkey, full and fat. November's near. You'll soon go splat! Learn this silly poem about Thanksgiving; whoever memorizes 10 lines first gets bragging rights (poem website link)
(3) Watch the First Thanksgiving Animated Hero Classic (youtube link) or purchase the DVD (amazon link)
(4) It's fun to make classic paintings into online puzzles. You can make The First Thanksgiving have only 6 pieces... or 1000. ( link)
(bonus) See how good your NorthEast state geography skills are ( interactive map games)
(5) Test time. Challenge mom to see who does better.
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 2 (Sibling Set)

Week 2 (Alternate)

Week 3 (Main Set)
SIBLING SET - What were the Salem Witch Trials? (sync with History: Pilgrims: Early Colonies)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Check out this awesome tutorial on how to draw a cartoon pilgrim.​
(2) National Geographic Kids has a great overview of the Salem Witch Trials. Check it out here.
(3) Have you ever wondered what life would be like in Colonial America? Here is a great video that will show you just that!
(4) Massachusetts is one of our oldest states. Learn some cool facts about it here.
(5) TEST: After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Alternate - What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? (sync Timeline: Seven Wonders)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Did you know that the Colossus of Rhodes statue had a thumb so big you couldn't wrap your arms around it? Well, now you do. ( video link)
(2) Check out these modern day "hanging gardens") (Pinterest website link). Bet you can make a garden out of old bits and pieces, too.
(3) Color all 7 wonders in oil pastels (don't have have them? They are AWESOME!!) A bit messy, but wow, the ease of crayons and the intensity of paint will make your Mausoleum glow. ( link)
(4) Build the Pyramids with Rice Krispies Treats. This is a low stress, low effort craft you can eat. (homeschooling website link)
(5) After you finish the book, take Colby's test. Put all your certificates in a 3 ring binder. Then put that binder in a binder.
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What was the Boston Tea Party? (sync with History: Boston Tea Party)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Check out one of our favorite Cycle 3 shows. Watch Paul Revere ride with the Liberty Kids (vimeo video link)
(2) Stage your own Boston Tea Party complete with crushing team boxes and dumping tea (homeschooling website link)
(3) Get out those colored markers and color your favorite tea party-goer a murky brown. ( link)
(4) "Rally, Mohawks - bring out your axes! And tell King George we'll pay no taxes" sang the Tea Partiers. See the painting of this moment that sold for $206,500 (Christie's Auction website link)
Bonus: Fun Boston Tea Party meets SuperBowl ad (vimeo video link)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 3 (Sibling Set)

Week 4 (Main Set)

Week 4 (Sibling Set)
SIBLING SET - Who was Paul Revere? (sync with History: Boston Tea Party)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Read-aloud alert! Take turns reading the Longfellow poem that made Paul Revere famous. Can you finish it in 5 mins? (Paul Revere's Ride poem link)
(2) Make your own lanterns (1-if-by-land and 2-if-by-sea) out of tin cans. Turn tomato soup into a glowing wonder. (how-to instructional website link)
(3) Artforkidshub is an AMAZING resource that can teach kids 4+ how to sketch, paint and more. Draw a horse so well you can Paul Revere on his back! ( link)
(4) Re-create Paul Revere's ride (by following GPS signals this time). See what the ride would look like on today's roads. ( website link)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What was Declaration of Independence? (sync with History: Declar. of Independence)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Read the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence. It's an oldie-but-a-goodie! ( website link)
2) Bet you can learn this whole song in 10 minutes. SchoolHouse Rock continues to sing the praises of liberty with the song "Fireworks" (vimeo video link)
(3) A myth was perpetuated by a famous painting which showed all the signers of the Declaration gathered. This was not true! It took from August to November to get every signature. Do it as an online jigaw puzzle with 6-1000 pieces. ( website)
(4) Watch a clip of the PBS miniseries John Adams about his part in the Declaration of Independence. (vimeo video clip)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Betsy Ross? (sync with History: Declaration of Independence)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) See 10 rejected United States flag designs. Which one of these is THE WORST? ( video link)
(2) Have you ever seen the US flag folded at a military funeral? There is a VERY specific way to fold the flag; think you can do it? ( website)
(3) Let's go old-school again. Watch "No More Kings!" by SchoolHouse Rock then ask your parents about other SH songs they remember (conjunction junction anybody...) (vimeo video link)
(4) Did you know that the US flag is not supposed to touch the ground? Or be hung upside down? Did you know that people burn it when it is damaged? Let's learn flag etiquette from (who else?) Martha Stewart. ( website)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 5 (Main Set)

Week 5 (Sibling Set)

Week 5 (Alternate)
MAIN SET - Who Was George Washington? (sync with History: George Washington)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) OK, he does look a little squatty, but once you see how easy it is, you KNOW you'll want to draw this cartoon George Washington. ( video)
(2) By age sixteen, Washington had copied out by hand, 110 Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior. (#13 reads: Kill no Vermin as Fleas, lice ticks &c in the Sight of Others, if you See any filth or thick Spittle put your foot Dexterously upon it) ( website)
(3) This Animated Hero Classic on George Washington will make you cheer. Where's the popcorn, mom? (vimeo video link)
(4) Make a fingerpainted Cherry Tree and then chop it down (George didn't!) ( website)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Benedict Arnold? (sync with History: Benedict Arnold: Traitor to Washington)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Read 9 things you may not know about Benedict Arnold ( link)
(2) Get inspired to make your own Benedict Arnold costume ( link)
(3) Watch this excerpt from Dave Raymond's American History homeschool curriculum ( link)
(4) Watch Liberty Kids' episode about Benedict Arnold and learn what could make a man like Arnold turn against his own country! ( link)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
ALTERNATE - Who was Louis Braille? (sync with Science: 5 Senses: Sight)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch BBC Watch Magic Grandad tell the story of Louis Braille ( video link)
(2) They look like dominoes: little raised dots in a rectangular formation. But those dots can mean the world to people with vision impairment. Here's how to decipher Braille. ( website)
(3) Play Braille games and create your own worksheets. ( link)
(4) Are you smarter than a Braille bug? Try to decipher these clues after you've learned a little Braille (see above). ( website)
(Bonus): Ever heard of doing graffiti in Braille? ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 6 (Main Set)

Week 6 (Sibling Set)

Week 7 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - What was the Lewis and Clark Expedition? (sync with History: Louisiana Purchase)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) When Thomas Jefferson wanted to unite the country from coast to coast, he chose Lewis and Clark to lead an expedition westward. Which man are YOU more like? ( video)
(2) They were gone for a LONG time. Travel along with Lewis & Clark with this interactive map ( map)
(3) Convert the $15 million dollars Jefferson spent on the Louisiana Purchase into today's dollars. ( website)
(4) They found 122 animals new to science along the way. Not all of them were friendly. ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Thomas Jefferson? (sync with History: Louisiana Purchase)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) George Washington had a temper. Thomas Jefferson muddled his thoughts. John Adams was a bit of a jerk. Find out the faults of the Founding Fathers. ( website)
(2) The were best friends and worst enemies. They both died hours apart, on the 4th of July. Who were they? ( video)
(3) Do you have some serious grievances that you would like to address? Write your own declaration in the spirit of Jeffersons. (k12 website).
(4) Let liberty ring. Draw the Liberty Bell with the artforkids team ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - Who was Davy Crockett? (sync with wk 6 History: Davy Crockett)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) The man was a legend in his own time. Find out why. ( video)
(2) "Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier". Bet your parents or grandparents sang that song when they were kids... only he is now in outer space. (vimeo video)
(3) For 13 days, they watched the enemy surrounding them. Now, it was the end of ends. The Battle of the Alamo lasts less than a single hour yet their story lives on (vimeo video)
(4) Now it's time to build. Reconstruct the Alamo with your own legos or blocks. How does YOUR battle end?
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 7 (Sibling Set)

Week 7 (Out of Print)

Week 8 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - Who Was Daniel Boone? (sync with History: War of 1812)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch Liberty Kids' The New Frontier (includes Daniel Boone) ( video link)
(2) Learn 8 things you may not know about Daniel Boone ( website)
(3) View an Interactive Trail Map that let's you stand where Daniel Boone stood (website link)
(4) Watch 1960's episode of Daniel Boone called Dan'l Boone Shot A B'ar ( video link)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
This book has been discontinued - Who was Andrew Jackson? (sync with History: War of 1812)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Jackson was a complicated man. Get to know him better. He was responsible for the Cherokee trail of Tears. Yet he adopted Native American boys. ( video)
(2) Take a virtual tour through Jackson's home, the Hermitage. ( video)
(3) The Age of Jackson. No, not that Jackson. ( video)
(4) The War of 1812 is one war we always forget. Do you know anything about it? 15 interesting facts of the War of 1812. ( website)
(Bonus): Mudslinging, the spoils system, trail of tears and more... ( videos)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What was the Underground Railroad? (sync with History: Slaves States/Free States)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Why was it called the Underground Railroad anyway? ( website)
(2) Learn the 6 strategies to freedom on the railroad. (
(3) Watch 6 minutes of one artists representation of the journey ( video)
(4) Become a junior ranger with the National Parks services by discovering the Underground Railroad. ( website)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 8 (Sibling Set)

Week 9 (Main Set)

Week 9 (Sibling Set)
SIBLING SET - Who was Sojourner Truth? (sync with History: Missouri Compromise)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Mrs. Truth gave many versions of her famous speech. Which one is the one you like the best? (
(2) Listen along to the story "So Tall Within" about Sojourner Truth, who was also tall without. (​ video)
(3) And one more for good measure ( video)
(4) Watch an audition for Sojourner Truth's Ain't I a Woman for the History documentation "The People Speak" (vimeo video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - Who was Harriet Tubman? (sync with History: Fugitive Slave Act)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Draw Harriet Tubman with artforkidshub ( video)
(2) Soar high by making a vibrant Harriet Tubman bird suncatcher ( craft website)
(3) Download a National Parks service workbook for Junior Rangers ( pdf)
(4) Take an animated crash course in slavery ( video)
(bonus) Whether you call her Minty or Moses, she is an Animated Hero Classic ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe? (sync with History: Fugitive Slave Act)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Who was Uncle Tom and why did the world care what Harriet Beecher Stowe had to say about him? ( video)
(2) Draw a log cabin from Uncle Tom's time with artforkidshub ( video)
(3) Learn the back story of the Fugitive Slave Act ( video)
(4) It's time to up your game for presentation time on CC Community Day. Ditch the stuffed animal and talk about this book instead. Learn how with a 10-minute talk by Colby ( video link)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - The Dred Scott Decision was another important event in this time. Watch a quick video all about it! (

Week 10 (Main Set)

Week 10 (Sibling Set)

Week 11 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - What was the Wild West? (sync with History: Manifest Destiny)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Westward bound! Learn about the power of Manifest Destiny. ( video)
(2) Draw a 1-point perspective Wild West Steam locomotive ( video)
(3) What's for supper during the Gold Rush? See Charlie Chaplin's most famous scene (vimeo video)
​(4) On October 26, 1881, the Earp brothers face off against the Clanton-McLaury gang in a legendary shootout at the O.K. Corral ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Have you ever wondered what a Wild West Outlaw looked like? Check out these real life pictures of Outlaws! (
SIBLING SET - Who Was Annie Oakley (sync with History: Manifest Destiny/Wild West)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Spoiler alert... you just died from dysentery. Visit the Wild West. ( video)
(2) Watch this wonderful presentation from Annie Oakley herself about her life! (
(3) Are you a cowboy or cowgirl at heart? Mosey on over to this site to make all of your cowboy and cowgirl crafts (
(4) Present on this book on community day. Let Colby teach you some presentation skills -
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Take a look at the trails that headed out West in the Mid-1800's (
MAIN SET - Who Was Abraham Lincoln (sync with History: Civil War)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Your squatty drawing of George Washington needs a friend. Wait a minute, Abraham Lincoln was waaaay taller than this, wasn't he? ( video)
(2) Charles DIckens, Alexander Graham Bell & Abraham Lincoln, to name a few. Find your fellow homeschoolers ( video)
(3) Take a Crash course in the U.S. Civil War ( video)
(4) What is more iconic than Abraham Lincoln's hat? Make your own Lincoln hat with this fun craft! (deceptivelyeducational blog)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Learn more about Abraham Lincoln and his life and career in politics in this interactive game. (

Week 11 (Sibling Set)

Week 12 (Main Set)

Week 12 (Sibling Set)
SIBLING SET - What was the Battle of Gettysburg? (sync with History: Civil War)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Three men wearing period clothing firing revolvers during a Civil War reenactment event in Buchanan, Virginia. Click "Play this puzzle" to get started. ( link)
(2) Watch a quick overview of Civil War facts. (
(3) Can you beat your own record? Find all the Civil War battle sites against the clock. ( interactive geogaphy site)
(4) Are you a Civil War expert? Test your knowledge with Civil War Jeopardy! (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Listen to one of the most famous speeches of all time given in honor of those that fought Battle of Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. (
MAIN SET - Who Was Robert E Lee? (sync with History: Robert E Lee)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) You know your states, but do you know your Civil War States? Play the Civil War Challenge Game – Was it a Union, Confederate, or Border State? (
(2) Watch a quick video all about Robert E. Lee. (
(3) Learn about General Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at the McLean House in Appomattox Courthouse in 1865. (
(4) Check out this awesome interactive map of the Civil War that lets you to click on any of the battles of the Civil War to learn more about them. (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Still want to learn more! Check out tons of Robert E. Lee Facts and worksheets HERE!
MAIN SET - Who was Ulysses S Grant? (sync with History: Robert E Lee & Ulysses S Grant)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch this short video summarizing the life and accomplishments of Ulysses S. Grant.
(2) Ulysses S Grant led a very interesting life. Check out some of these cool facts about this former president and general.
(3) Grant was the General of the Union army during the Civil War. Learn how to draw a Civil War soldier in this tutorial.
(4) Cannons were widely used during the Civil War. Learn how to make your own air cannon with this tutorial. (WARNING - PLEASE HAVE PARENTS DO ALL CUTTING)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 12 (Alternate)

Week 13 (Main Set)

Week 13 (Sibling Set)
ALTERNATE - Who was Marco Polo? (sync with Timeline: Marco Polo)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch a quick overview of Marco Polo. The explorer, not the game. ( video)
(2) Make a satchel to store all of your secret trade documents like Marco Polo (
(3) See all of the cities along the Silk Road on this interactive map! ( Interactive Map)
(4) This awesome module explains everything about the Age of Exploration from a single module. It's the ultimate in click and learn!
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Take a look at Marco Polo's personal timeline covering his life and travels (
MAIN SET - Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr. (sync with: History: Civil Right Movement)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Learn this famous quote while doing an online jigsaw. Set the # of pieces based on your skill level. ( link)
(2) Read a quick recap of the incredible life of Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. (
(3) Do you think you know your Civil Rights timeline. Test your knowledge on this cut and place timeline. (
(4) Listen to part of one of the most famous speeches ever given, "I have a Dream" given by Martin Luther King Jr. (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Martin Luther King Jr. had a wonderful dream, write out what your dream is with this dream activity. (
SIBLING SET - Who was Booker T Washington? (sync with History: 14th Ammendment)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch 5 fast facts about Booker T. Washington (
(2) Take a look at the University that was founded by Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee University. (
(3) Do you think you are a Booker T. Washington pro now, test your knowledge with this quiz. (
(4) Watch this one minute quick overview of Booker T. Washington (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test (classmarker site) & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 14 (Main Set)

Week 14 (Sibling Set)

Week 15 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - Who Was Thomas Alva Edison (sync with History: Industrial Age)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) It's always amazing to see how things work from the inside. Check out what makes the old fashion light bulb work. ( video)
(2) How about what makes a jet engine start? ( video)
(3) Got a potato? Great. Make a lightbulb. ( video)
(4) Thomas Edison and his backstory in an Animated Hero Classic. ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Nelly Bly? (sync with History: Tycoons: Industrial Age)
Five (5) great activities:
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test (classmarker site) & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What is Ellis Island (sync with History: Immigrants)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) It's 1907. You are Lena Brodsy, a Jewish 14-year old from Russia. Join for an interactive way to learn history ( video).
(2) New York gets all the attention, but immigrants flocked to Oklahoma, too ( video)
(3) Have you ever wondered what it would be like coming to America through Ellis Island? Watch this video to find out! (
(4) Walk around Ellis Island for yourself with this interactive tour! (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 15 (Sibling Set)

Week 16 (Main Set)

Week 16 (Sibling Set)
SIBLING SET - What Is the Statue of Liberty? (sync with History: Immigrants)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Who is up for drawing a cartoon version of the Lady Liberty? ( video)
(2) Do you think you have what it takes to build something like this iconic statute? Let's develop your engineering skills and build some things with stuff you have at home ( link)
(3) It's puzzle time. Click "Play this puzzle" and decide how many pieces you can make Lady Liberty and still puzzle it out ( website)
(4) Learn the poem at the base of the Statue: With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Norman Rockwell? (sync with Fine Arts: Norman Rockwell)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) What happens when an illustrated character comes to life? Look at three fictional characters, created by Rockwell and others, who had a very real impact on the public imagination during World War II. ( website)
(2) Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Freedom from fear. Freedom from want. 4 freedoms. 1 artist. View Rockwell's collection. ( website)
(3) Design your own magazine cover just like Norman Rockwell did for the Saturday Evening Post. (
(4) Have you ever wondered what the studio of a famous artist looked like? Well, you can take a virtual tour of Norman Rockwell's studio, here. ( website)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test (classmarker website) & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What were the Roaring Twenties? (sync with Timeline: pre-The Great Depression)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch the Youtube Channel 'A Kid Explains History' as they talk about the 1920's.
(2) Watch a quick overview of the 1920's in this short video.
(3) Mickey Mouse was also a product of the Roaring 20's. Learn how to draw original, 1920's Mickey Mouse with this video.
(4) Jazz was a huge part of the culture of the 1920's. Check out this website for an overview of Jazz.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 16 (Out of Print)

Week 17 (Main Set)

Week 17 (Sibling Set)
This book is discontinued - Who was Woodrow Wilson (sync with History: Woodrow Wilson)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Did you know that there was a $100,000 bill, and that Woodrow Wilson was on the front of it? Take a look at that and some fast facts about Woodrow Wilson here. (
(2) What exactly was the League of Nations? Find out here! (
(3) Watch a quick review of World War 1 and why Woodrow Wilson and the United States entered into the war. (
(4) What did Woodrow Wilson do? Take a look at the life and presidency of Woodrow Wilson, including the acts that were passed into law during his terms. (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - Who Was Susan B Anthony? (sync with History: Susan B Anthony)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) What exactly was Women's Suffrage? Check out this short School House Rock video about the right to vote for women in the USA! (
(2) Did you know that Susan B. Anthony was so awesome that they actually made a coin with her on it? Decorate your own Susan B. Anthony silver dollar coin with this coloring page! (
(3) What better way to learn history that through song? Listen to this awesome song about Susan B. Anthony, by Sung History. (
(4) Susan B. Anthony did a lot of work to make sure that women had the right to vote. Listen to one of her most famous speeches explaining why women should be able to vote! (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test (classmarker website) & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - Who Was Ida B Wells? (sync with History: 19th Amendment)
Five (5) great activities:
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
(classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 17 (Alternate)

Week 18 (Main Set)

Week 18 (Sibling Set)
ALTERNATE - Who was Ruth Bader Ginsberg? (sync with History: 19th Amendment)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Rosie the Riveter is an iconic symbol of both WWII and the women's rights movement. Challenge yourself to do her as an online puzzle (
(2) Touch up on your Ruth Bader Ginsburg knowledge with this quick overview of her life and accomplishments. (
(3) What exactly is the Supreme Court, and what does it do? Take a look at this short video to find out what our Judicial Branch of the government does. (
(4) Ruth Bader Ginsberg is definitely an iconic American woman. Take a look at some of these other notable American women. (
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test (classmarker website) & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What was Pearl Harbor? (sync with History: Pearl Harbor)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) In 1942, the United States begins to fully engage against the Japanese and go on the offensive. ( video)
(2) Listen to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt deliver his "Date of Infamy" appeal to Congress, the day after Pearl Harbor.
(3) Draw a picture of President Roosevelt, the President during World War II.
(4) Draw a battleship like those that were in Pearl Harbor at the time of the attacks in World War II.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - What was the Bombing of Hiroshima? (sync with History: Pearl Harbor).
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Learn more about World War II and the Atomic Bomb with this quick overview.
(2) Watch this great video to see how an atom bomb works from a kid just like you!
(3) Visit this site for some interesting facts about Hiroshima and to see what the city looks like today.
(4) Learn more about the "Secret City", Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where the atomic bomb was actually built.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 19 (Main Set)

Week 19 (Sibling Set)

Week 19 (Alternate)
MAIN SET - Who was Franklin D Roosevelt? (sync with Timeline: The New Deal)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) One of the most iconic photographs in American History is entitled "Migrant Mother" and it came about as part of the New Deal. ( video)
(2) Draw a tank like those used during World War II
(3) FDR was elected as President 4 terms! Our US Presidents now have term limits because of this. Watch this short video about how term limits for Presidents came about.
(4) Make a P-51 Mustang Fighter paper airplane, like the war planes of World War II.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What Was D-Day? (sync with History Week 18: Pearl Harbor: World War II)
Five (5) great activities:
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - What was the Berlin Wall (sync with History: Communism)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch 'A Kid Explains History' explain the Berlin Wall and what it was in this short video.
(2) The Belin wall was covered in graffiti (art drawn on public spaces, sometimes illegally). Learn how to draw your own graffiti with this short tutorial.
(3) Did you know that 2 families actually escaped over the Berlin Wall in a hot air balloon? Make your own hot air balloon here.
ATTENTION - This craft requires ADULT supervision since it uses a hair dryer to make the air balloon fly!
(4) Present on this book on community day. Let Colby teach you some presentation skills -
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test (classmarker site) & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 20 (Main Set)

Week 20 (Sibling Set)

Week 21 (Main Set)
MAIN SET - Who Was Rosa Parks (sync with History: Segregation)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch this short video detailing the life and accomplishments of Rosa Parks.
(2) Make your own bus like the one that Rosa Parks was arrested on with this cool craft.
(3) Watch this video for an explanation about what the Civil Rights Movement was.
(4) Read a quick overview of what 'Civil Rights' are, and exactly what the Civil Rights Movement was in the United States.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - Who Were the Tuskegee Airmen? (sync with History: Brown vs. Board of Education: Segregation)
Five (5) great activities:
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - Who Was Neil Armstrong? (sync with History: Neil Armstrong)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) We've made it to the moon. Now, let's take it to the stars. Learn to code with Star Wars ( website).
(2) This NASA initiative covers a wide range of topics including weather, climate, atmosphere, water, energy, plants, and animals. ( website)
(3) NASA has its own kid's club. Join in the fun. ( website)
(4) “You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great - and that's what being a spacefaring civilization is all about.” But can we live on Mars? ( video)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 21 (Sibling Set)

Week 21 (Alternate)

Week 22 (Main Set)
SIBLING SET - What Were the Negro Leagues? (sync with wk 13 History: Civil Rights Movement)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) See some of baseball's all-time greats as few have ever seen them at the baseball museum ( video)
(2) Hank Aaron talks about the legacy of civil rights in baseball. ( video)
(3) See members of the Negro League honored before a modern day baseball game. ( video)
(4) One weird fact about every baseball team. ( website)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - What was the Kremlin? (sync with Timeline: USSR)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Watch this video that shows the amazingly beautiful inside of the Kremlin.
(2) Draw your very own Kremlin with this instructional video.
(3) Read some Fast Facts from National Geographic Kids on all things Russia.
(4) Make your very own Russian Nesting Dolls with this craft (free printable at the bottom of the page under the instructions)
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What were the Twin Towers (sync with: History: Twin Towers)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Create your own artwork or write a letter to honor and thank heroes in your own community.
(2) Design your own first responder badge to honor their service.
(3) Learn more about the story of 9/11 by reading this 9/11 fact sheet for students.
(4) 9/11 was a terrible time for our nation, but in the days after the attacks there was a wave of patriotism and unity across the nation. Watch this short video to see how Americans came together after the tragedy of 9/11.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
Bonus - Watch the man that actually walked a tightrope in between the Twin Towers in 1974!

Week 22 (Sibling Set)

Week 22 (Alternate)

Week 23 (Main Set)
SIBLING SET - Who Was John F Kennedy? (sync with Timeline: Week 22, card #153: Vietnam War)
Five (5) great activities:
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
ALTERNATE - What was the Vietnam War? (sync with Timeline: Vietnam War)
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Read this summary of the Vietnam War at
(2) Many battleships were used during the Vietnam War. Make your own origami battleship with this tutorial.
(3) Watch this short video to learn more about Vietnam and it's geography.
(4) Make your very own Vietnamese Dragon puppet for Asian New Year here.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate! (classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
MAIN SET - What is the U.S. Constitution (sync with History: U.S. Constitution
Five (5) great activities:
(1) Learn about what the Constitution contains, why it begins with "We the people" and why the Constitution is called the highest law in the land!
(2) Take a look at this picture of the ACTUAL Constitution!
(3) The Constitution is a very old document, and you can see the aging when you look at it. Make your own aged paper with this 'How to Age Paper' craft.
(4) We love learning things by song! This song teaches about the opening to the United States Constitution, with its preamble set to music.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!

Week 24 (Main Set)

Week 24 (Sibling Set)

We do the Work!
SIBLING SET - Who Was Theodore Roosevelt? (sync with Timeline: US Presidents; see also other presidents in sets)
Five (5) great activities:
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
(classmarker site)
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Ben Franklin? (sync with Timeline: Bill of Rights)
Five (5) great activities:
(1)Benjamin Franklin was famous for experimenting with electricity. Now you can try this simple electricity experiment at home (without getting shocked).
(2) One of Ben Franklin's most famous experiments was flying a kite in a lightning storm. Visit this site to find out how to make your very own kite, just don't fly it in a lightning storm.
(3) Ben Franklin invented many things in his lifetime. Watch this short video that talks about a few of his most well know experiments.
(4) This video is a longer one, but still a great watch about Benjamin Franklin on Liberty Kids.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!
SIBLING SET - Who was Ben Franklin? (sync with Timeline: Bill of Rights)
Five (5) great activities:
(1)Benjamin Franklin was famous for experimenting with electricity. Now you can try this simple electricity experiment at home (without getting shocked).
(2) One of Ben Franklin's most famous experiments was flying a kite in a lightning storm. Visit this site to find out how to make your very own kite, just don't fly it in a lightning storm.
(3) Ben Franklin invented many things in his lifetime. Watch this short video that talks about a few of his most well know experiments.
(4) This video is a longer one, but still a great watch about Benjamin Franklin on Liberty Kids.
(5) After you finish book, take Colby's test & print out certificate!
The password is provided with the purchase of Cycle 3 books. If you have lost your password, email us!