90 Minute Zoom Tour of Mrs. Salzman's ChallengeB.com
Date: Two view dates for 1 ticket. Plus, access to the recorded version.
- Friday, July 26, 2024 - 2:00-3:30pm Eastern
- Please note that the Aug 2, 2024 date has been cancelled. If you cannot make the July 26 version and do not want the recorded version, a refund will be provided.
- The July 26 webinar will be recorded and access will be available for anyone who signs up.
Time: 2:00-3:30pm Eastern
What: Join me for a Fast and Furious Tour of all my favorite B ideas.
Why: My name is Mrs. Salzman and I created ChallengeB.com (https://office12418.wixsite.com/challengeb) , a totally free website for all things related to ChB.
I have received so many requests for a "walkthrough" my ChallengeB website that I cannot keep up.
One ticket will get your entire household live Zoom access.
The Challenge B website has been updated and will remain up for yet another year -- access is completely free. You do NOT need a ticket to access the site - just to join the guided tour!
You can find the site easily at www.colbybooks.com - just click the CHALLENGE HUB link that I just added in the navigation bar. You can reach me at info@colbybooks.com.
Photo Credit: Thanks to Amy Roberts for sharing her awesome photo from attending our last webinar.